Sensory Corner's Facebook Marketing Strategy

Sensory Corner, renowned for their sensory modulation and processing products such as weighted blankets, weighted animals, and chew pendants & necklaces, needed a unique approach to connect with their niche market. While targeted Google and Facebook ads played an integral role in reaching potential customers, there was untapped potential in building brand awareness and educating the market.

Creating Impactful Video Content

Recognizing that only a fraction of the audience is actively looking to make a purchase at any given time, we decided to expand our advertising strategy beyond Google Ads. The first step in this direction saw us undertake a professional video shoot - an investment towards engaging a broader audience.


Our team meticulously crafted scripts that encapsulate the features and benefits of Sensory Corner's products. During pre-production, we focused on storytelling that resonates with both individuals unfamiliar with sensory modulation and those already seeking these specialized tools.

Casting Experts

We sourced knowledgeable talent for the project, including a physiotherapist and an occupational therapist, whose expertise helped authenticate the message and educate viewers on the practical use of Sensory Corner’s products.

Production and Post-Production

The video production was executed with precision, emphasizing clear demonstrations and compelling narratives that highlight the value of sensory products in everyday life.

Utilization Across Platforms

These videos became the cornerstone of our revamped social media campaigns. They served a dual purpose: they were a resource for social media advertisement to attract engagement and an educational tool for Sensory Corner staff to better understand and relay product information to customers.

Marketing Results

Our innovative approach paid dividends:
  • Return on Ad Spend (ROAS): We witnessed an increase in the ROAS, with figures spiking from $6 to $20 across various products and campaigns.
  • Market Engagement: By leveraging video content on social media platforms like Facebook & Instagram, we attracted different segments of the market, including the 95% who might not be actively seeking but are open to learning about how Sensory Corner’s products could benefit them.

Why Video and Social Media?

The pivot to incorporating video content alongside traditional ad campaigns was strategic. Videos have proven to be highly effective in storytelling, persuading, and converting audiences in ways that text ads cannot. This visual medium allowed us to:
  • Educate and engage consumers at different stages of the funnel
  • Humanize the brand through expert endorsements and customer testimonials
  • Create a memorable connection between the audience and the Sensory Corner brand


This case study exemplifies how integrating video content into a broader digital marketing strategy can substantially boost brand visibility and sales. Sensory Corner's story is one of transformation and growth, fuelled by a willingness to adapt and innovate within the marketing space.

Ready to Transform Your Marketing Strategy?

If you're eager to replicate Sensory Corner's success and transform your marketing outreach, get in touch. Our tailored strategies go beyond the conventional, offering comprehensive solutions for niche markets. Let's join forces to create content that captivates and converts. Together, we'll pave the way to your business's exponential growth.